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Super Goat Life

Game Jam Project (Ludum Dare 45)

Moteur : Unreal

Language : C++ / Blueprint

Team :  2 programmers, 4 graphic designers, 1 sound designer

Duration : 72 h

Subjet : "Start with nothing" 


Super Goat Life is a puzzle / adventure game in which you will have to help a goat to regain

all its powers by going through th map and solving puzzles..


Links to the event :

My contributions

I started by creating a class for the skills that trigger 2 actions : display of a mini game and the unlocking of a new skill in code as in visual (appearance of the helmet, springs...).

I then coded the skills that were not included in the basic character such as sprinting or charging.

My third task was the level design of the mini-games.
I also took care of the whole UI part (menus and during the game).

I ended up managing the loading / unloading of the levels.

As a bonus, I learned how to make small animations and created the animations of springs and bats.

What the project has brought to me

Again,  rapid implementation of a specific organization was required, especially since there were few and there were a lot of things to do.

We also had to "limit" ourselves, try not to think too big in order to publish something more like a game than a prototype.

During this project, I was able to learn how Unreal's save system works in C++.

I also had the opportunity to discover the Maya software in order to create simple animations.

Finally, we were very satisfied with our project and we are motivated to continue to develop it and to publish a well developed version as soon as possible.



Olivier Argentieri

Alice Couard

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Graphic designers

Enzo Borne

Florent Benard

Eva Palloure

Christopher Tirano Folch

Sound Designer

Johan Delettre

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