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Game Jam Project (Game Challenge 2019)

Game Engine : Unity

Language : C#

Team :  5 programmers, 4 game designers , 4 graphic designers , 1 sound designer

Duration : 48 h

Subjet: "Matryoshka (russian doll)" 


Bernadette is a platform game where you play a litlle girl morally

harassed who have to escape from school

Gacha, what is that ?

Gacha is a GameJam in Montpellier wich last 72h :  half a day for the presentation and creation of random teams, 48h to produce and half a day for the presentation and winners' election.

The particularity of this GameJam is the imposition of constraints : each team have to pick 5 cards hides of the difficulty of his choice (more the difficulty is high, more you have points) and of the topic of his choice (Gameplay, Experience or Technical).

After picking their cards, team have the right to exchange one with an other hide card.

Our cards

This is the cards we pick and how we put contrainsts in your game

Bernadette is a student harassed morally at school and she she's going to have to overcome her difficult daily life.

More the player passes from level to level so he faces situations of harassment (internal mental work), the stronger he becomes and has better mental resistance. 



The character have an animation for run, jump and death.



When the player fails, he leaves a trace that will allow him to see the level differently. In addition, with each failure the player shrinks and the atmosphere becomes darker.


During some game's passages, the player is forced to die to succeed for passing the obstacle. If you die (and become more little) don't block progress.


Particules appear when player take a skill.


My role

in the team

What Gacha

has brought to me

UI was my main task during this project (menus and HUD). I also integrated a part of assets and FX and I placed level 3. Finally  I helped to debug project

- Self Control

- Communication

- Initiation to Git Hub

- Meetings with professionals and other students



William Comminges

Alice Couard

David Ferns

Karine Houbrix

Clément Noguès

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Game designers

Akanovic Nenad

Cavalier Rémy

Jean Renaud

Rous Blandine

Graphic designers

Cerati Jordan

Gabriel Quentin

Gallardo Eva

Schatz Charles-Elliot


Gallardo Eva


Sound Designer

Gendre Quentin​

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